Kaposi's sarcoma in a HIV-positive patient
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Wojskowy Instytut Medyczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Klinika Dermatologii, Polska
These authors had equal contribution to this work
Submission date: 2023-11-21
Final revision date: 2023-12-01
Acceptance date: 2023-12-01
Publication date: 2024-05-13
Corresponding author
Joanna Zalewska   

Wojskowy Instytut Medyczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Klinika Dermatologii, ul. Szaserów 128, 04-141, Warszawa, Polska
LW 2024;102(1):78-81
Kaposi's sarcoma is a cancer originating from vascular endothelial cells. The disease is associated with infection with the human herpes virus HHV-8. There are four clinical forms: classic, endemic, epidemic associated with HIV/AIDS and iatrogenic. In the article, we present a case of a 38-year-old patient who was admitted to the Dermatology Clinic due to numerous, scattered blue-violet macules, plaques, nodules, and nodi. During the diagnostics process the HIV infection was revealed. Based on the clinical picture and the histopathological examination Kaposi’s sarcoma was diagnosed. The patient was referred to the infectious diseases department for antiretroviral treatment and to the oncology department where he received treatment with paclitaxel with remission of the lesions. The clinical picture of Kaposi's sarcoma which includes macules, plaques, and nodules, is not sufficient to make the diagnosis. A biopsy followed by a histopathological examination should be performed. Current guidelines do not recommend the use of serological testing to detect antibodies or the HHV-8 genome. Treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma can be topical or systemic, depending on the extent of skin lesions, accompanying general symptoms and involvement of other organs.
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