Life capsules – the evacuation of the future. An unmanned aerial systems technology in the transport of wounded soldiers from the battlefield
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Wojskowy Instytut Medyczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Klinika Urologii Ogólnej, Czynnościowej i Onkologicznej, Polska
Pion Badawczy, Wojskowy Instytut Techniczny Uzbrojenia w Zielonce, Polska
Aplikant radcowski, Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych w Warszawie, Polska
Submission date: 2023-09-10
Final revision date: 2023-10-15
Acceptance date: 2023-12-04
Publication date: 2024-06-28
Corresponding author
Kamil Ciechan   

Kamil Ciechan, ul. Pięciolinii 8, 02-784, Warszawa, Polska
LW 2024;102(2):111-117
Introduction and objective: The authors present the use of new technologies to implement specially designed “life capsules” as part of a system for evacuating wounded soldiers from the battlefield. The article shows the possibilities of transporting “life capsules” by means of manned and unmanned aerial systems and introduces essential mathematical calculations regarding the reliability of operation of unmanned and manned transport of wounded soldiers. Material and methods: In addition, the principles of forecasting reliability processes over the expected operating periods have been taken into account. The analytical process also envisages the use of differentiated transportation in the areas of land, air and sea technology. The integration of new technologies – unmanned aerial systems – and humanism in the process of transporting wounded soldiers from the battlefield, represents the highest value in improving the process of saving human lives. Results: The article presented here covers the basic solutions for transporting wounded soldiers from the battlefield. Taking out wounded soldiers, in addition to moral considerations, is also important for restoring the combat capability of a fighting arm. Conclusions: The paper presents the fundamental conditions aimed at improving the transport processes of wounded soldiers on the battlefield. These conditions are the basis for undertaking work aimed at developing and implementing transport life capsules. The developed design solutions of transport life capsules, due to their special usefulness, should be adapted to diverse combat situations. In the process of transporting wounded soldiers from the battlefield, the transport infrastructure is of vital importance, which applies to varying degrees to all means of transport, especially airborne means. The paper provides an overview of the method and means of transporting wounded soldiers from the battlefield. Diverse methods and means of transport should be subjected to detailed studies. The whole process of transportation should be the basis for undertaking research and development and implementation work.
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