A snapshot from the history of Wojskowy Instytut Medyczny (Military Medical Institute): development of Internal Medicine Department from 1945 to the establishment of the Internal Medicine Institute in 1974.
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Wydział Wsparcia i Zarządzania Projektami WIM w Warszawie; kierownik: mgr Ariadna Bednarz
Biblioteka Naukowa, Pion Nauki WIM w Warszawie; kierownik: mgr Anna Kot
Publication date: 2021-03-30
LW 2021;99(2):76-85
The article concerns the operation of the military internal medicine departments in post‑war Warsaw. The adopted time frame spans from 1945, the year when internal departments of the two Warsaw‑based military hospitals, i.e. the District Hospital no. 1 and the Ministry of National Defence Hospital commenced their operation, to 1st November 1974, when the Military Medical Academy Postgraduate Training Center Internal Medicine Institute (currently the Military Medical Institute) was set up. Among the ward heads we could find outstanding clinicians, scientists, e.g. professors: Mieczysław Fejgin, Mieczysław Kędra, Dymitr Aleksandrow, Wanda Wysznacka‑Aleksandrow, Zofia Wańkowicz, Sylwester Czaplicki and Andrzej Dąbrowski. Many of them were Polish pioneers in modern diagnostic and treatment methods. Along with health services and scientific activity, postgraduate training for physicians, dentists and pharmacists of the military health service was carried out.