Urinary tract injuries in the pediatric population
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Klinika Chirurgii Dziecięcej i Urologii Dziecięcej CMKP, Polska
Submission date: 2022-08-29
Final revision date: 2022-10-23
Acceptance date: 2022-10-24
Publication date: 2022-12-30
Corresponding author
Joanna Katarzyna Samotyjek   

Klinika Chirurgii Dziecięcej i Urologii Dziecięcej CMKP, CMKP, Marymoncka 99/103, 01-813, Warszawa, Polska
LW 2022;100(4):218-221
An injury is defined as an external factor affecting a body, causing local and general anatomical and functional alterations. Due to their anatomical structure and different body proportions, a child is less resistant to external factors than an adult. Internal organs are protected to a lesser extent by a relatively thin subcutaneous and muscular layer. Kinetic energy of the injury is much less attenuated and can accumulate in deeper layers, causing injury to internal organs. Blunt injuries are the most common ones, accounting for 87% of cases, up to 40% of which are traffic injuries. Traffic injuries are among the most serious, as they affect multiple body structures, such as internal organs, bone fractures, head injuries or respiratory injuries. The most common injuries in case of children admitted to hospitals include craniocerebral trauma (about 70%) and osteoarticular injuries (about 20%). Urinary tract injuries lead to hospitalisation of only about 3% of trauma patients. Injuries to kidneys, ureters or bladder usually coexist with abdominal and pelvic injuries. The most common injuries to the urinary tract include: kidney injuries (over 50% of cases), ureteral injuries (1-3%), bladder and urethral injuries (about 10%). Due to anatomical differences, urethral injuries usually affect male patients.
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